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yourmom420 • 2 years ago

Wu Shen Zhu Zai, Peerless Martial Spirit. ,WU DONG QIAN KUN , Yao Shen Ji . Against the Sky Supreme, Wu Shang Shen Di , Fanren Xiu Xian Chuan, The Legend of Sword Domain, Bing Huo Mo Chu, Zhen Wu Dianfeng, Jiu Tain Yuan Di Jue, Renjian Zui Deyi, Shaonian Ge Xing, XING CHEN BIAN, Wan Jie Du Zun, Quanzhi Fashi, Quanzhi Gaoshou animev worth watching

RohanOf ElvenPower • 1 year ago


OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

Oh wow, that old fart talking all that trash to the MC but can't back it up smh. Now he's about to die and burn in fire for eternity because of his stupidity aha.

Username34211 • 2 years ago

Yes it's the best when you see a big mouth weakling eat shit haha

Jalaluddin Aris • 2 years ago

Not bad but the story is just too short.

Luke W • 9 months ago

If they really wanted to make trouble, they could have just torched the boat and ran. In a place with no witnesses, "it could have been pirates". Then wait a while and try to kill them in their sleep. I don't know why they went for a the frontal conflict. It seems kinda stupid. Their family has all but thrown honor out the window, so why bother taking the risk?
We know plot armor would have prevailed anyway, such as mc one shotting people several stages higher than him, so why not at least pretend they have a brain for once?